New Webhooks, Trigger Conditions, Video Covers and Notification Editor – October 2021

Bradley Stevens   26

Updated on August 16, 2023

Last week, we released 4 new features and improvements to Thrive Suite, our ever-growing online business toolkit for WordPress.

But for this release, we decided to do something we haven't in a while:

We made a walkthrough video that demonstrates each of these new features and how you can use them today.

This release includes:

  • New Trigger Conditions for Thrive Automator [0:36]
  • New Send Webhook Action for Thrive Automator [2:24]
  • Designer-made video cover templates to speed up your website [7:45]
  • The ability to style front end notifications on your website [12:48]

Pour yourself a coffee and watch the roundup video to see what's new in Thrive Suite!


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by Bradley Stevens  October 19, 2021


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  1. Absolutely superb. These updates are not only regular but they are so useful and relevant too. All explained with great clarity…thanks ????????✌️

  2. What about putting a VIDEO COVER onto a VIDEO post? Is that something that can be edited now too?

    Post type: Video.
    Insert the Video URL. (via YouTube or Vimeo, etc)
    Then the video shows in the header area of the post.


    But the splash screen on that video was generated by the video host such as YouTube.

    1. Yes, you can use Video Covers on Video Posts built with Thrive Theme Builder, and you can set the image source to display the featured image set for that specific post. But the splash page won’t load from YouTube. To do that, you’d require downloading the YouTube scripts, which is what this feature is made to avoid.

  3. This is a great update. When will Automator be able to use a Thrive Architect lead generation form to be able to be the trigger to various actions?

    For example, someone subscribes via Thrive Leads. Their contact info is sent to my email service and then adds them to a WishList Member level. Thank you.

    1. You already can! Now I think of it, this was a small update that I don’t think I ever shared. In Automator, you can trigger on ‘User submits a form’. Then you have two options: you can choose the page the user is on which contains the form (ideal for pages where you might have a few forms all for the same purpose), or you can target by form ID. When editing any form on your site, under main options > advanced, you can set a unique form identifier. That’s what you’ll use in Automator.

    1. Notification message text is usually loaded from one of 2 places: WordPress Core, or from our plugins directly. WordPress core is easy– just change the language of your website to German and the notifications will be translated. As for our plugins, you can set them from the source. So for example the ‘login successful’ message can be set directly from the login form element in Thrive Architect, and ‘Lesson completed’ can be set from the labels area of Thrive Apprentice.

  4. Excellent stuff, as usual. I am a neophyte on webhooks and this is where I got stuck. Is there a simple explanation of how to define a url for them and what conditions that url must meet? Can it be, for instance, on one of my existing sites, or does it have to be on Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign or some such site…?

    1. Hey Lewis, at the moment it would be for getting data out to a service like ActiveCampaign, etc. However, we are working on a ‘Received webhook’ trigger in Automator, which will allow you to pass data from one website to another, so long as both of them have Automator installed.

      You can, of course, use any other wordpress plugin that can catch a webhook too.

  5. Thanks guys, great updates!

    Do you have news for one of the most important updates for Apprentice – the drip feature?
    This would be really important for so many of us.

    1. We’re working on it at the moment. It’s fairly technical, so taking a bit of time, but it’s our highest priority.

  6. Hi Brad,
    Small question about these Webhooks. For a client, their customers can sent a form from the site and upload a couple of pictures, so to make clear what should be repared. These files can be a couple of Mb’s each… We adviced to use Google Drive or Dropbox for saving these images from the form. Their question was if it is possible to store these files immediately in Microsofts One drive (or even their CRM), is this something that is possible with this new feature, or am I over asking?

    Best regards,

    1. Webhooks send text data assembled in pairs, known as a key + value pair. You wouldn’t send an image across to the CRM or Microsoft One drive. However, if the image is uploaded on the form itself, you would be able to send the image file URL to your CRM.

      It means your client would see the user’s data in their CRM, including links to each repair image.

      However, I’m not sure if we have mapped custom image upload fields to the outgoing webhook yet. This is a great use case! I’ll take it to our dev team and discuss how we can support it

  7. I would really appreciate a text summary of this. 17 minutes to learn about 4 new features it’s a big investment, and I’m sure I could pick up the key points in a fraction of the time if you could provide a text summary. Thank you

    1. Yes.

      I like the Video for the detailed explanation, but 17 minutes are too long.

      An additional text would be great. Reading is so much faster and also possible without audio in public places.

    2. I appreciate the feedback. Some of these features were a bit more complex. I’ll make the next video much, much shorter and will do my best to include a text summary too.

  8. Each time a customer buys a product, can I use Thrive Automator to send the customer’s email and my tag for that product to Drip? In the Automator list of dynamic data that I can send to Drip after a Woocommerce purchase, I do not see an option to select the product tag. Product slug and product sku are listed, but not product tag. Can you add product tag to the list?

    1. Hey Steven, thanks for your comment. We discussed it on our product team and had scheduled some further Automator improvements to help with this. Basically, at the moment we don’t have a way to pass an array (multiple values) through a dynamic value that is expecting a single input.

      For example, with WooCommerce tags, a product can have multiple tags. But when you apply a tag to Drip, you give a dynamic input for just the one tag.

      What you’d want to do is set up Automator so that each product tag in WooCommerce becomes a separate tag applied in Drip. Doing that means handling arrays with an unknown number of values.

      It’s a good thought, and a bit of a software challenge. But we’re going to work on it.

      1. Thanks for working on this. Having only one tag for each product would be enough for me. Maybe you could send it the same way you send the product sku?

  9. The video covers look nice, but are you guys going to address the UX issue with all videos playing on mute by default when you use a video cover or custom thumbnail?

    That update has been a major problem for our users and we’ve had to put banners using thrive leads through our members section of our site to tell people where/how to unmute their videos. Otherwise we just get inundated with customer service live chat questions about it.

    Super super annoying. Wish we could use the video covers feature for page speed as you’ve demonstrated it’s efficiency, but for UX it’s just not worth it.

    1. Hey Eric, yeah— we wrestled with this, but found a compromise which we released in our latest update last week. The problem comes from browsers like Google Chrome and something they call MEI – Media Engagement Index. It’s a way they establish whether or not a video should be allowed to play muted or not, based on who the user is, what device they are on, and how they’ve interacted with your site before. Our compromise that we changed is that it may require a second click to play the video now. The second click is necessary to play the video unmuted. It’s been very frustrating to us too, we’ve been sinking developer time into trying to get it to one-click play unmuted every time.

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}