Getting your visitor from Point A: 'oh, that looks like something I want' to Point B: actually typing in their payment details can, at times, seem like a monumental leap.
That's why we've created our latest landing page set, an elegant looking sales funnel oozing with conversion boosting elements. The Clickjournalist sales page set in available now in Thrive Architect. You can see a live preview of the set in our Landing Page Gallery.
In the video above I'll show you how to create the pricing page from the set, and explain a few of the conversion triggers that will push your visitor to buy.
How To Turn Landing Pages Into a Funnel
In the Internet Marketing world, the term funnel is thrown around more often than insults on a Jerry Springer show.
But what does a funnel even mean? And more importantly, how the heck do you make one out of a random set of pages?
First let's start with the definition...
A funnel refers to a series of touch points or 'steps' that move the visitor towards a specific conversion goal. These steps are most commonly in the form of either landing pages, lightboxes or emails.
In order to create the funnel for the ClickJournalist sales page set, let's take a look at all the steps involved.
← Traffic
Sales Page
Pricing Page
Payment Processor
Download Page
- This arrow means the visitor moves from one page to the next. In the funnel above, that happens by a visitor clicking a button on each page, which in turn takes them to the next page.
We're still stuck in the conceptual here, so let's real world it up...
And there's your funnel! These can get infinitely more complex, and take advantage of other mediums such as email, but if you're just selling a single product this set could be all you need.
Put a Link on It!
In the first step of the funnel, the sales page, there are call to action (CTA) buttons throughout the page. When a visitor click this button to register their interest, they'll be taken to the next page in the funnel.
Linking to the next step of the funnel is as simple as adding the URL of the pricing page in the button options drop down:
Get That Dough
For the next step in the funnel, you need to take your visitor to an external payment processor so they can hand over their money. How you do this depends on your payment processor.
Some payment processors, such as PayPal, will give you a link that you can add to your buttons in the same as above. When a visitor clicks the button/link they'll be taken to a purchase page where they can enter their payment details.
Others payment processors are slightly more complicated to set up, and it really depends on their method. Some offer a dedicated WordPress plugin, others offer HTML codes that you can add to your page using a Custom HTML element within Thrive Architect.
How About a Thank You?
No matter who you're using for payment, once the transaction has gone through you'll need to send your customer details on what's happening next.
Now I'm going to be completely honest here; we can't help with step. How you do this heavily depends on what you're selling, and the functionality of your payment processor, and what other programs you're using.
If your system doesn't automatically provide your customer with access to your product, you may want to send them to the thank you / download page in the ClickJournalist set. From here they can either download what they purchased, or you can give them details on what's going to happen next.
Having a dedicated thank you page in your funnel ensures a pleasant, polished experience for your customer.
Rather than handing over their hard earned cash and suddenly being abandoned on your payment processors default confirmation page, they get taken back to the familiar design style to the sales page, where they're thanked for their purchase and guided through the next step.
In order to send your customers back to the ClickJournalist thank you page after payment, you'll need to search something along the lines of 'redirect after payment' within your payment processor's knowledge base, or Google, for instructions on how to set it up within your particular payment processor.
Like I said, not much help, but we figure giving you instructions on where to find the answer is better than leaving you completely in the dark.
What Helps You Most?
So there you have it, a complete, albeit simple, sales funnel. I hope the information here helps you put together your own killer funnel.
For us to create more useful content like this in the future, we want to hear from you.
What part of this post did you find most useful? The new landing page set? The funnel diagram? Where do you still feel in the dark?
Let us know in the comments below.
P.S.: We've added a new pricing table element to Thrive Architect. Check it out now!
Thanks for making this simple sales funnel
Thanks for watching / reading Herman 🙂
The most interesting part for me was how you built the pricing table and the testimonial. Thank you for the tutorial.
Thanks Henning, when you look at it as a finished table it seems impossible to build! That’s why it’s so fun to break it down and show how you can achieve it at home.
danke für diese ausführlich Darstellung, ich habe es Zeile für Zeile mit dem Translator übersetzt und werde es nacharbeiten.
Viele Grüße
Hi Brigitte, I also did the same in Google translate and appreciate your dedication 🙂
These are great pages. It’s tailored for PayPal, though, so it is a bit limited.
It seems great for a person who is new to online marketing, which seems to be your target. Keep up the good work!
Hi Arthur,
Yep this is definitely a post geared towards a beginner. Often it’s pretty hard to understand how everything fits together when you first get into the whole ‘funnel building/internet marketing’ world so we wanted to make a post that explains all that (to refer beginners back to)
We’re using PayPal as an example here, but you can still use this funnel with other payment processors. It’s depends on how your payment processor takes payment, but with some alterations these templates can still be useful.
Absolutely love this new template look! Super sharp, modern (somewhat minimalistic in a good way), and very professional-looking!
My only wish is that you’d complete the set more as you’ve done soooo brilliantly with the Bright template series!
I absolutely love the above funnel description Stephanie as it clarifies things so nicely! Please more funnels for future templates!
One other word of praise here – to refer again to the Bright series – I love the fact that you guys had a whole bunch of extra elements created so that we could easily mix and match and create our own versions of pages for the same series! Brilliant idea as 99% of people are not designers so creating a really beautiful-looking content box or using the right combo of fonts – again, a designer can do three times the job in half the time… so please… more of these mix and match design elements for your template series would be awesome!!
The above text description you gave + funnel description was awesome so please do this more often!! Love it!
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for your feedback. It’s really helpful to know exactly what parts you guys find the most useful so we can do more of it!
We’ll take it all on-board and try and do more of that style in the future.
One more comment here.
I love all the new templates guys – really nice and modern-looking!
I have one X-mas wish… lol
That more of these template sets could be fleshed out with a ‘complete’ set of pages similar to your Bright series!
For e.g. – the No Photoshop Homepage.
An absolutely beautiful template… but I would kill to have a completed set for this series as it’s a beautiful template! ☀️
This new Journal series too. I’d love to see a complete set for that too… Download Page, Webinar Pages, etc.
You guys are creating some really nice templates but it’s really tough to go ahead and say design our own version of say a webinar page – with our little to no design knowledge – so even though we might use the same colours, images, etc… it still looks amateurish whereas your designer could do the same thing in a flash as design knowledge – and not even the tool like Architect – is King in the end.
Design trumps all so having a complete set or at least mix and match elements would be super helpful! ☺️
I’ve sent this to the team Jeff 🙂
Love it, Stephanie – thanks! The Clickjournalist set is definitely elegant, and your funnel walkthrough is great as ever.
Thanks Matthew
Gorgeous page set! Thanks for putting it together and showing us how to set it up. I especially love the way the pricing boxes really pop out.
Me too! (glad it’s not just me that gets excited about this stuff 🙂 Thanks Bryce
May i know when Thrive will have WooCommerce elements in the Thrive Architect?
Thrive Architect is a very powerful page builder, but because of no WooCommerce elements, I choose not to renew my thrive.
I know you guys focus on conversion page builder, but some landing page really needs to have WooCommerce elements in it.
Please consider this in your next future release.
I agree 100%!
If there was a way to seamlessly integrate Woocommerce cart system it would be incredibly powerful to sell digital and physical products
hear hear! a MUST for Thrive page builder. My future purchase is dependent upon that sort of integration!
Hi Dolmat,
Thanks for the honest feedback. We understand the difficulties with payment integrations and are listening to the requests.
Stephanie & All on this string, [ long + response 🙂 ]
Regarding adding a “Payment Processor” to complete the Funnel, and some of the frustrations with lack of Woo Integration, I have to throw this in.
I have built tons of Thrive Sites and Funnels (I do Funnels) and have to say that “in my humble opinion” that the WordPress Funnel STOPS at Payment and moves to a HOSTED E-Comm Platform such as ThriveCart, PayKickStart etc. Why? I have done at least 6 Physical Product Funnels with Woo years back and Woo as popular as it is, is difficult and limited. And you have to strap on way to many extensions to the base WooCommerce to make it function the way you would want it to. And then you add challenges with Plugin Updates to Woo where it blows out settings and customizations. I say NO to Woo. There is a Better, Easier Solution. >>>
Pass the Funnel Process to a Hosted E-Comm Cart. They are seamless (almost), they are Easy, they are Secure, it has unlimited integration capabilities with popular “Marketing Automation” platforms i.e. GetResponse, Drip, AC etc. And setting up Secondary Funnels within the Platforms is super simple as they are already there as templates. I use both ThriveCart (no connection to Thrive Themes) and PayKickStart within my own Business and Clients. You have “upsells”, “downsells”, abandoned cart triggers, coupon codes, shipping method integrations (shipstation), super easy product setup, affiliate programs and WAY more.
There is way more to this comment than I can add here… but my summary is this. Let Thrive Themes do what they do best and focus on the WordPress Sites, Landing Pages, Conversion Elements and let the E-Comm Carts focus on what they do! In the END if you try to do everything great you will do “nothing’ great. Kinda like the Marketing Concept of “1 Core Offer” … If you try to appeal to everyone you will end up appealing to no one. I think Thrive Themes is simply Awesome TOP to BOTTOM, Zero Holes! ZERO! And the CARTS I use have “almost” ZERO Holes.
Be a HERO… Not a ZERO! Thrive Themes is a HERO!
Sorry for the Long Response… I just feel SO Strongly about this TOPIC! I hope it helps someone!
Ps. Stephanie… again Great Post.
Hi David. Thanks for the detailed reply. We are exploring all the different payment and cart options and ways to make them run more smoothly with the Thrive Themes tool, so you comment is very informative and useful. We’ll be taking it on board.
Any concerns about ThriveCart being a ‘pilot’ program right now? I like all the features for the hosted carts you mention, and I went down a rabbit hole researching other options too, and the monthly pricing is pretty steep for someone starting out. Have you used ThriveCart with Thrive Themes?
Hi Jen,
This has been their ThriveCart’s strategy for a long while now. I know a lot of people who are successfully using ThriveCart and Thrive Themes together, and rave about it as the optimum combo.
I agree David. Would love to see ThriveCart integration with Thrive Themes. They are both terrific and should integrate together.
Hi, In what way is this builder not compatible with WooCommerce as I was feeling like it was before buying, thanks?
Hello Anne,
We have a post grid element that you can use to display custom lists of WooCommerce products. You can also use Thrive Architect to edit the product descriptions. However, beyond that we don’t have a very deep integration with WooCommerce.
Would be good if you could find some more integrations. Woocommerce is clearly a leader in wordpress ecommerce platforms.
I know, that’s why I am hoping Thrive team consider this in your future release, please focus on WooCommerce integration.
I’ll really don’t understand why your a ‘sales’ funnel yet don’t care to complete the process. Your losing customers.
Hi Geoffz,
I understand it can be quite frustrating not having a complete tutorial. The reason we have not completed the process here is because there are so may different payment processors and product types (physical, recurring, online courses or coaching, memberships etc), and depending on each of those variables your payment setup will be completely different. I hope the details on what parts you need to tackle with your personal payment processor helped.
Woocommerce is a golden standard for Wp webshops. It is also frequently used for Affiliate marketing. There is also a ton of integration for payment gateways for many payment providers in many countries (all with there own preferred system) . Would be nice to have full integration between Architect and Woocommerce. It will make Architect even more attractive to buy 🙂
I love you guys more than words can say!
We love you too Cathy! 🙂
Thank you, Stephanie! You have a great style of teaching and presenting. I would appreciate your insights to this question: Why are the pricing tables on a separate pricing page instead of being included on the sales page itself?
Putting pricing on a separtate page allows you to segment (interest) and retarget (abandoned cart) based on action (viewing price, not just sales page) no matter what payment processor or cart you use.
It also gives you an opportunity to test your pricing and/or sales page separately. But if you aren’t interested in any of that you can just place the pricing table onto your sales page. We mainly included it on a separate page here to give the extra option to have both.
Awesome to know. Thanks for the excellent instruction, Stephanie!
Excellent. Thank you, Robert, for explaining further.
Awesome… You guys are amazing! Love that REAL Marketers are at the helm at Thrive Themes. You all make my Life Easier! And you help make my Bank Account THRIVE! 🙂
Good to hear David, making your life easier is our M.O. 😉
Great work Stephanie and an Aussie too. Easy to follow. Will probably use this one for an upcoming project.
Can wait to see it out there in the wild 🙂
Do all new templates get automatically added to Architect.. or do I need to manually install them? Thanks!
On the upgrade….
Hi Sam,
The new templates will automatically appear in your template cloud when you select ‘Change Landing Page Template’. If the new templates are not showing up for you, make sure you have the latest version of the plugin installed. If after that they are still not there, I’d suggest contacting support.
– I love the video tutorial.
– I love the new templates.
– I love the explanation.
– I love the fact that I keep learning with every blog post. I was not aware of what you explained about editing in line text…now I know.
Thank you Stephanie.
Hi Luis, thanks for the detailed list of approvals 🙂 I’m glad you got value from the post!
Been there recently with our business and done that with Thrive Architect as well. Everything is custom made, so it does require a fair bit of hustle. In particular, the payment funnel is the one that requires most of the hustle, since there’s some email automation, member account creation and product delivery details to figure out.
Also, was that “”flowchart” diagram in the blogpost designed from scratch in Thrive Architect? It looks really neat and one can really see a bunch of educational applications for it.
Hi Thomas,
Yeah I agree, there’s no simple solutions for the payments side of the funnels. It can take a bit to put it all together.
The flowchart was created with Thrive Architect, yes. It’s a combination of content boxes and icons. I’d suggest putting the whole thing in a separate content box too, just so it’s all together in one group.
Very nice! A simple, complete solution. Getting started with a new project is half the battle. These templates, at the very least, provide a great way to get started fast. I’ve found that, if you have a good relationship with your list, clients, etc., the simple approach works really well!
That’s a great approach to take with your business Jim, we’re very much on the same ‘provide value’ wavelength.
OMG! Thrive is getting better and better! Love love love this!! And now you also have integration with payment processing system! Hope that you can come up with a ‘complete’ set of pages like someone mentioned earlier – Download Page, Webinar Pages, etc…. This will definitely make Thrive more indispensable.
Hi David,
We do not currently have an integration with a payment processor, but you can link to your payment processor from these pages.
We’ll definitely take the full template sets suggestions into account 🙂
I liked the funnel diagram and the steps that are explained. It would be cool if you did diffrent types of funnels!
Hi Zack,
We could do. What sort of funnels would you be interested in seeing?
P.S. We have a bunch of funnel set up tutorials in Thrive University. Just click the ‘Create a Funnel’ filter up the top to see all of them.
Fantastic stuff as always. However, I’m curious why you don’t have live previews of these pages in this post (and other posts introducing new templates) as well as on your Thrive Architect sales page. You used to have them on the Thrive Content Builder sales page and that was really helpful. It seems that the only way people can check out these pages is to both own the product and then have to create new pages and load the landing pages in order to see them in action. I get that it’s more to maintain, but having live previews makes a lot of sense to me and I miss having that option. Thanks for your time and keep up the great work.
Hi Ron,
Great point. We do have a gallery where you can see live previews of all of these pages. From now on we’ll be more careful about linking to that in the posts 🙂
Thanks Stephanie! Where is this gallery located? You mentioned being more careful about linking to the gallery in posts but I don’t see it in the one from today either:
One more thing – it would be great if this Thrive Comments plugin emailed us when a comment of ours was replied to. If it does I didn’t receive the notification. Having this feature would certainly lead to some nice repeat traffic and more interaction per post. Maybe a checkbox next to the email field giving people the option to be notified when someone replies to their comment would be the way to go.
Just checking in on this. Thanks!
Hi Ron,
Very good point, thanks for keeping us accountable 🙂 We’ve just created S.O.P. for these kinds of post and I’ve added ‘link to Landing Page Gallery’ in there.
The Landing Page Gallery can be found
That’s for the Thrive Comments feature request, we are working on something similar.
Really helpful. I really enjoyed the diagrams and the examples of PayPal! Thanks a lot
Thanks Elena!
With the knowhow landing page (and others) comes with a built in exit popup. I don’t see where you edit that or remove it.
Hi Phillip,
To Edit or Delete the Lightbox in Thrive Architect
Step 1: Go to Page Setup by clicking the icon left of the Save button
Step 2: Click on Settings
Step 3: Click on Setup Page Events
Step 4: A window will open showing the page events. You can customize the Lightbox by clicking the EDIT THIS LIGHTBOX text. or you can delete the exit intent Ligthbox by clicking the trash can icon.
We’ve started adding these instructions to the page templates themselves too, so no one gets caught out by a surprise lightbox!
Really good tutorial Stephanie, congrats!
A few new points I hadn’t known before (inline text editing) and it’s always great to see you professionals make it all look so easy. Very inspiring! 🙂
Thanks Keith!
Hi Stephanie, thanks a lot for the tutorial, I always learn something from these 🙂
What about the countdown timer font? It’s sometimes frustrating that I can only edit the colors, but can’t change the font family, style or size! I noticed that in the final page the font is different from what you showed in the video. Did you use custom CSS for this or did I miss something?
Hi Mary,
No custom CCS 🙂 In the video I just left the countdown timer on the text as the default font for speed’s sake.
You can edit the countdown timer font by clicking on the text eg. ‘Days’. This will open the text edit window and from there you can change the font, size, color etc of the countdown text. At this stage it’s not an option to change the font of the actual numbers.
Thanks Stephanie! I was referring to the actual numbers. They seem different in the video from what it’s shown in the final template’s image.
Obviously we want our pages to be visually coherent and having different fonts here and there doesn’t help. Also, I’ve wanted several times to use the circle countdown timer and have had to choose a different one because the numbers are too big and don’t go with my overall design.
I hope this becomes editable in the future 🙂
Hi Mary,
Unfortunately at this stage there is no way to edit the big numbers, it’s reliant on your Theme’s fonts.
Talking about pricing and looking another comments i think it would be very powerfull a thriveplugin to make payments similar to thivecart.(this is not a thivethemes plugin)
Thank you Stephanie! Beutiful template!
I have a question for you and the team: Is it possible to build an application form with multiple choice in Thrive architect?
Thank you!
Hi Adrian,
Not with Thrive Architect directly, but you can use a Thrive Architect HTML element to insert a Google form or a typeform element on your page. Alternatively if you have the Thrive Membership, you can use Thrive Ovation to create a contact form. There’s a Members Only tutorial how how to do that here.
Hi Stephanie
Can you show how to connect Paypal or Stripe Payment Option to buy button? I did search on the Blog & Forum and didn’t find any article or video. I need to see how can I create custom pay button and associate it with my product A & B base on their price .
Thank you
Hi Shohaib,
This needs to be done through PayPal or Stripe, so you’ll have to search for a tutorial on how to do this with the PayPal or Stripe databases. Once you have the code for the custom button you can add it to a custom HTML element within Thrive Architect and the button will show on your page. There are more details on this in the text of the article above.
However… we actually have a post on Shane’s personal blog ActiveGrowth coming out in the next few weeks, which will go through each of the most popular payment systems and how to set them up for your page.
Just noticing that the “Get the Dough” section doesn’t really talk about the pricing page. That page is left out of the details here
I love Thrive Architect – moved here for the ease and flexibility but this payment issue has held me back… and am searching desperately for a way to pay with Stripe and or Paypal (without the clunky link described above)… in a seamless way Seems from above and comments below this is not possible and alas I am forced to reconsider Clickfunnels or others 🙁 and I really do not want to… btw can someone advise what is ThriveCart? and does this solve this problem and how can I get it?.