Help Your Audience Succeed with Thrive

Everything You Need to Make Your First Commissions – Fast

Increase your commissions and help your audience to achieve their goals using the tools inside Thrive Suite. We've put together some great resources to help you communicate the benefits of our tools and features.

A toolbox of WordPress plugins and themes ready to build a successful online business.

Finally, a Conversion Focused WordPress Theme Built for Indie-Authors â€” By Indie-Authors.

Thrive Theme Builder

The visual WordPress website builder that allows you to create a website over the course of one weekend.

Thrive Architect

Creating beautiful, engaging and visually impressive content & layouts in WordPress.

Thrive Apprentice

The most flexible drag-and-drop WordPress course and membership site builder on the market.

Thrive Leads

The ultimate list building plugin for WordPress, featuring conversion-focused opt-in forms, A/B testing, display logic and more.

Thrive Automator

Create smart automations that integrate your WordPress site with your favorite plugins and email marketing tools!

Thrive Quiz Builder

Boost website engagement and grow your email subscribers with powerful, customizable quizzes.

Thrive Ultimatum

Create personalized countdown campaigns with the ultimate scarcity plugin for WordPress.

Thrive Optimize

Split test pages on your WordPress website to improve conversion rates and sales. Made especially for non-techies.

Thrive Ovation

The all-in-one testimonial management plugin for WordPress. Capture audience testimonials and display them across your site with stunning templates.

Thrive Comments

Turn your audience comments into conversions with this powerful comments plugin for WordPress.

We Also Deliver the Education,
Not Just the Tools

Complete Our Affiliate
Onboarding Course

Discover tips and tricks on how to get started promoting Thrive Themes products and make your first sales in only 30 days.

Discover How Our Affiliate Program Works

Are you a new affiliate? Learn how to get started with iDev, check if your links are working, and keep track of your commissions.

Learn and Promote Thrive University Courses

You can take these courses to improve your knowledge of online marketing, but you can also promote these free courses to your audience – if someone ends up purchases a Thrive Themes product, you'll get your full commissions! This is a great, non-salesy way to promote the Thrive Themes brand! 

*You will need to create a free account to access Thrive University.

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Sharpen Your
Marketing Skills

Become a better marketer with our series of helpful blog posts on topics like:

Become a Thrive Themes Expert

Get to know our tools like the back of your hand ↴

Product Tutorials

The tools in Thrive Suite are packed with so many great features, it’s sometimes a little overwhelming when you have a specific goal in mind. That’s why we’ve created a library of easy-to-follow product tutorials to give you a step-by-step guide for each feature.

We’re always adding new tutorials as we continue to improve our tools, so be sure to check in regularly!

Our YouTube Channel

Sometimes it’s faster to watch a helpful video to get up to speed on the latest features, and tips for using the tools inside Thrive Suite.

You’ll find a wide selection of step-by-step tutorial videos on our growing YouTube channel and we’re always adding more. Subscribe to stay updated.

Rules for Affiliates

We probably have the most awesome affiliate program ever, but there are some important rules you'll need to follow. Please read our Affiliate FAQs and Terms and Conditions so that everything can go smoothly.

Latest News at Thrive Themes

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