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  4. Working with SendOwl
  5. Using the Single Thank You Page Redirect URL

Using the Single Thank You Page Redirect URL

The “Single Thank You Page Redirect URL” is a link that will be provided when you start setting up the SendOwl and Thrive Apprentice connection, in order to be able to sell your online courses.

This link will be needed in order to make sure that the “Thank You” Page settings you establish during the setup, will be applied after customers buy the products.

Follow the steps below to see how you should use this URL.

Get the “Single Thank You Page Redirect URL”

First, you need to get this URL. Go to your Thrive Apprentice navigation bar, and click on “Settings”:

Then, select the “SendOwl” section from the list that appears:

Once you have reached the “SendOwl” page, look for the “Quick Start Guide” card and click on it:

When you access the Quick Start Guide, click on the “Create a Product in SendOwl” button from its first step:

Note: This part of the guide will describe how to quickly create products in SendOwl. Nevertheless, if you need more details on how to do this, please check out this article.

Now go to the third point of this setup and copy the URL that is there:

This is the “Single Thank You Page Redirect URL” that you will have to use further. You can click on the copy option (double file icon) that is next to it and the URL will be copied.

Save the URL as the Return URL in SendOwl

Now, go to your SendOwl account and click on the “Settings” section from the left sidebar:

Then, look for the “Checkout Options” in the “Checkout” part of the “Settings” page and click on it:

You will be redirected to the “Checkout Options” page. Here you can set up general things about your checkout process with SendOwl, such as your logo, your “Terms and Conditions”, or what aspects should be required from the buyer.

If you scroll down on this page, you will see the “Post Payment Redirection” section. By default, the “Download Page” is selected here. You will have to change that and select the “External URL” option:

Selecting this will open a new field, the “Return URL” field. Complete this “Return URL” field with the “Single Thank You Page Redirect” URL that you have previously copied from the Quick Start Guide in Thrive Apprentice. Then, click on the “Update” button to save the changes you have made:

The reason why it is important to do this is that without this step, the “Thank You” Page settings that you complete will not be applied after the purchases.

Only when this “Single Thank You Page Redirect” URL from Thrive Apprentice is saved as the “Return URL” in SendOwl, will the Thank You Page settings be applied, after customers buy the products.

Create your Products

After you have saved the URL as the “Return URL” you can go on and continue setting up the Thrive Apprentice and SendOwl connection.

You can create your products now. You will have to create SendOwl products or bundles and tie them to your Thrive Apprentice courses, in order to sell these courses as products.

This process is described in detail in this article.

Note: When adding a product in SendOwl, you can choose from more types of products, such as the Digital File or a Software product.

Since you have completed the “Return URL” section with the “Single “Thank You” Page Redirect” URL, the “Thank You” Page settings will be applied automatically, for each of the product types that you can create, except the “Redirect” product type.

In the case of the “Redirect” product type, when you create such a product, you will have to enter a URL where the customers will be redirected after they purchase your course. You can enter here the same “Single Thank You Page Redirect” URL from Thrive Apprentice that you set as the “Return URL” in SendOwl:

This way, the “Thank You” Page settings will be applied in the case of this product as well.

If you want to find out more about how the Thrive Apprentice and SendOwl connection works, please look through this knowledge base section.

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