The ‘Percentage’ Quiz Type in Thrive Quiz Builder

The “Percentage” quiz evaluation type consists in the fact that the visitor will be given a percentage score based on how he responded to the questions in the quiz.

Set up Your Quiz

Once you have added a new quiz and named it, you can then go ahead and select the quiz type.

Choose a Quiz Type

Click on the “Change Type” button, which will trigger a pop-up with all the available quiz types:

By clicking either on the “Choose Type” button or on the black background description, you will be sent to the “Quiz Evaluation Type” window, where we will select, in this case, the “Percentage” quiz type:

After you have chosen the “Percentage” quiz type, you can go on and click on the “Continue” button.

Choose the Quiz Settings

The “Quiz settings” are the next set of options that need to be customized while setting up your quiz. This is where you can choose whether you want the quiz to also display feedback or not. You can choose between three different options here.

The first option is the one which gives the user the possibility of not displaying any kind of feedback on the screen after the question is answered.

The second option will display a feedback message on the screen for as many seconds as you want. If you want to change the number, simply click on the default value and then enter the desired number of seconds:

The last option allows you to make the feedback disappear when the user clicks on the “Next” button:

Enable this toggle if you want to allow the users to revisit a previous question:

Here’s an article that explains in detail how the quiz navigation works:

Lastly, don’t forget to click on the “Save” button to make sure all settings are saved.

Choose a Quiz Style

Next, select the quiz style that you desire from the available templates:

Add questions and answers

After choosing the style, you will be taken to step 3/4, where you have to set up your questions and answers:

Here you will also have to assign a number of points to each answer. Thus, on the results page, the user will see a percentage that is calculated based on the given answers. In order to get started you will first need to add a question:

Select, then, either one of the three question types:

After you have selected a question type, you will have to add a question, one or more answers, and also, assign a number and tags to each of the answers.

You can also add an image to your question if you want. The trash and move icons will allow you to delete and rearrange the questions as needed:


When you are using the “Percentage” quiz type, you won’t have to add actual percentage values to each answer. The plugin will run through all of the answers you have configured, find the highest point sum a user can get through the quiz (e.g. 400), and set that as the 100% mark.

This way, the score your user will see in the end is calculated based on that maximum value.

After a user finishes your quiz, a success message and the score will appear on the screen, depending on the points you have assigned to each answer:

The success message, in the end, can also be modified by changing the style of your quiz or by editing the results page.

I really hope you found useful this quick tutorial about how to configure the “Percentage” quiz style.

You can find more information about the Thrive Quiz Builder by accessing the knowledge base articles listed here.

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