Take a Sneak Peek Inside the Complete Course Craft System

Watch the video below to learn about the main topics and modules covered throughout the Course Craft system. If you want to create an online course based business, this is the road map of how to get there:

After watching this video, you'll understand what each of the 3 modules in the Course Craft system covers.

Module 1 is currently available while Modules 2 & 3 will be dripped to you over the next 2 to 3 weeks:

  • Module 1 - Tech Stuff: These lessons will show you how to overcome the tech hurdle of setting up an online course overnight. By the end of the module you'll have payment processing, course delivery and your email marketing toll setup while also knowing how to shoot amazing videos for your course.

  • Module 2 - Course Creation : Learn everything you need to know about creating your actual online course. After completing these lessons, you'll know how to generate a winning online course idea, use the "Sales Page First" approach, visualize your course with "The Map Method", and then create all your course content.

  • Module 3 - Launch & Marketing : In the final module, you'll learn how to launch and market your online course to start generating consistent income with it — ideally 1 sale per day after launch. The lessons will cover how to build an audience from scratch, how to execute the "Rapid Launch Plan", how to create revenue engines and then how to feed that sales engine with traffic.

Have Any Additional Course Craft Questions?

After watching the Course Craft sneak peak and course overview video above, you may still have some questions about the content covered in this course.

Ask your questions in the comments below so Shane can answer them all for you.

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