Managing Themes in Thrive Theme Builder

Managing your themes can be done directly from your Thrive Theme Builder dashboard as follows:

Access the Themes library

First, you have to access your “Themes” library.

In order to do that, go to your WordPress admin dashboard, hover over the “Thrive Dashboard” from the left side menu, and click on “Thrive Theme Builder” from the sub-menu that appeared:

Next, select the “Themes” section of your navigation bar:

This will open the “Themes” library, where you can view and manage all your themes:

Manage your active theme

The theme that is currently active in your dashboard will be highlighted as such:

The following options will be available for the active theme:


If you want, you can easily duplicate the currently active theme. To do that, click on the “Duplicate” option that can be found below the name of the theme:

Then, the theme will be duplicated and it will appear in the themes library. It will have the name “Copy of + original theme’s name” and it will appear as a newly added theme that can be activated:


You can also export the active theme in order to use it on another website. If you want to do that, click on the “Export” option, below the name of the active theme:

A pop-up window will appear with the theme in the form of an archive. You can change the name if you want, by simply modifying or replacing the current one in the pop-up.

Then, click on the “Export” button from the pop-up:

The archive with the theme will be exported, downloaded to your computer, and this way you will be able to import it/add it as a new theme on another website, as described in this article.


The preview option allows you to preview the active theme applied to your website. To do that, simply click on the “Preview” option below the name of the active theme:

Then, the preview of the theme will open and you can take a look at how the theme will look applied on your website.

When you will finish previewing, you can click on the “Close Preview” button, from the upper right corner of the page, to close the preview page and go back to managing your themes:


There is one additional option you can use when it comes to managing your active theme. You can rename the theme. In order to do that, hover over the active theme, then click on the “More” option (three dots icon) that appeared:

The “Rename” option will appear and you can click on it:

This will make the field with the name of the theme editable.

You can delete the name that the theme has at the moment, and replace it with the new name you want to add to the theme. After you have finished, you can either click on the check sign next to the field, or click anywhere outside the field, and the theme will be renamed:

Managing inactive themes

Besides managing your active theme, you can also use “Managing Options” for the inactive themes that are in your “Theme Library”.


You can easily activate any inactive theme from the “My Theme Library” section. Hover over the theme you want to activate and click on the “Activate” option from the options that appeared:

The theme will be activated and it will appear in the upper right corner as the “Active” theme.

Export & Preview

When you hover over an inactive theme from the “My Theme Library” section, you will also see the “Export” and the “Preview” options. You can use these in the exact same way as described for the active theme above.

There are three additional options you can use to manage inactive themes. In order to see these, hover over the inactive theme that you want to manage from the “My Theme Library” section, and click on the “More” option (three dots icon) that appeared next to the theme’s name:

Then you will see a little drop-down appear with the three additional options:


The first option from the drop-down allows you to rename the inactive theme. If that is what you want to do, click on the “Rename” option:

The field with the name of the theme will become editable.

You can delete the current name from the field and replace it with the new one you want to give your inactive theme. Once you have finished, either click anywhere outside the field or click on the check sign next to the name field:

This way the inactive theme will be renamed.


The second option from the drop-down, that appears when you click on the “More” option of the theme, is the “Duplicate” option. If you click on this, your inactive theme will be duplicated:

After that, the duplicate of your inactive theme will appear in the library section, as a newly added theme and you can activate it if you wish.


The third and last option in the drop-down, which appears if you access the “More” option of an inactive theme, is the “Delete” option. You can use this option to delete an inactive theme. To do this, click on the “Delete” option:

A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the respective inactive theme. If this is indeed what you want to do, then click on the “Delete theme” button from the pop-up and the theme will be deleted:

Note: keep in mind that the “Delete” option is only available for inactive themes. You cannot delete an active theme, since the Thrive Theme Builder is using it for your website.

If you want to delete an active theme, you will first have to make it inactive by activating another theme instead. Then, once the theme will be inactivated, the “Delete” option will be available for it, and you can use it to delete the theme.

These were the ways in which you can manage active and inactive themes, in the Thrive theme Builder dashboard. If you want to find out how to add new themes, check out this article here.

Moreover, if you wish to find out more about the various options and features in Thrive Theme Builder, don’t forget to check out this knowledge base section.

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