Installing Ommi

If you have purchased Thrive Suite, you will instantly have access to Thrive Theme Builder and all the themes that come with it.

One of the Thrive Theme Builder themes that you can download and customize is Ommi.

Here’s how to access and install this theme:

1. Access the Thrive Theme Builder Dashboard

In your WordPress admin dashboard, hover over “Thrive Dashboard” from the left sidebar and click on “Thrive Theme Builder”:


This will open the Thrive Theme Builder dashboard.

2. Open the “Themes” section

From the left sidebar, access the “Themes” section:

This will open the “Themes” dashboard, from where you can add/delete themes, as well as change the active one.

3. Download Ommi

To install and activate Ommi, click on the “Add Theme” button from the top right side of the page:

This will open a pop-up, from where you can choose to either download a theme from the Thrive Cloud, or to import one from your Media Library. Click on “Load from the Thrive Cloud”:

4. Install and activate the theme

Once you do that, the pop-up will populate with the full list of available themes. Hover over Ommi theme, and click on “Download”:

Note: Use the “Preview” button if you want to see how the theme looks like before actually downloading it:

Once the theme has installed, you will see a “Theme Imported Successfully” success notification, and you can activate it at any time, whenever you want to switch from your current theme to Ommi.

In order to activate Ommi, hover over it, from the list of installed themes, and click on “Activate”:

You will then be taken directly to the “Site Wizard” where you can start customizing and creating your brand new theme.

This is it! This is everything you need to do if you want to activate Ommi as the theme of your Thrive Theme Builder constructed website.

Hopefully, this article was useful to you. You might also be interested in the following resources:

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