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  5. Using the WordPress Account Integration in Thrive Dashboard

Using the WordPress Account Integration in Thrive Dashboard

This tutorial will show you how to activate the WordPress integration from your Thrive Dashboard so that visitors will be able to sign in to your website using their WordPress account:

In order to do this, you have to enable the WordPress integration from your API Connection page and then create a connection with a Thrive form.

Enable the WordPress Connection

The first thing you need to do is access the Thrive Dashboard from your WordPress Admin Dashboard:

In the list of available Thrive products and features, look for the “API Connections” card, and once found, click on “Manage Connections”:

You will now see a list of all the connections available on your website.

Usually, to add a new connection you would have to click on the “Add New Connection” button and then look it up in the list of available apps. But since you are adding a WordPress account, you will notice that the card is already available in the list:

In order to enable it, hover over the pencil icon and click on “Edit”:

Then, click on “Yes, enable” and the connection is set:

You will see that next to the “WordPress account” the dot has changed from red to green, letting you know that the connection is enabled:

Set up the API Connection

Now you can open a Thrive form either from Thrive Architect or from Thrive Leads, to connect it to this integration. For this example, we will open a page in the Thrive Architect editor, and add a Lead Generation element to it:

Choose a template from the template library, and your form is now added to your page and ready to be set up:

To connect this form to your WordPress account, click on the form, and in the left sidebar options make sure the “API” field is selected and then click on “Add Connection”:

This will open a small pop-up from where you can choose the “WordPress account” connection:

From the same pop-up, you’ll also be able to set the role that you will assign to the visitor when he or she signs up:

Depending on what you choose, the visitor will have different types of access to your site.

These roles can be set either within WordPress or, if you have a membership plugin, you can set those within that plugin itself. In that case, the roles that you have set up there will be the ones that appear on the list.

Please read this article, where we’ve explained most of the roles that you can have in this section, and what each of them means.

After you’ve setup up everything in this pop-up, click on “Apply” to make sure you saved your settings:

Setting up the form fields

The next step in the process is setting up the form fields. As you’ve noticed, each Lead Generation template comes with a set of predefined form items:

From the left sidebar options you can edit (pencil icon) or remove (trash icon) the fields, depending on what you would like to display on your form:

For this “user sign up” example, we will need the following form fields: “Name”, “Email” and “Password”. The remaining fields can be removed by clicking on the trash icon:

In order to add a new field ( in this example the “Password” field), click on the “Add new” button:

This will open a pop-up form where you can set up the new field:

Click on the “Field type” drop-down in order to choose the “Password” field from the available list:

Then, in the “Placeholder” field, type in the text that you want to have displayed on your form, and also, if you want, make this field a mandatory one by enabling the toggle next to “Required”:

When you are ready to save your changes click on the “Apply” button:

The filled will be automatically added to your list of form fields:

You can set up as many fields as you need. You can, for example, add a “Confirm password” field, by following the same steps like the ones detailed above:

If you want to read more about how to set up each of the fields available in this list, you can read this dedicated article from our knowledge base.


This integration supports adding custom fields. This is why, when selecting a field type (except for the Name, Email, Password, Confirm Password & Phone field types), you will see the custom fields option:

This also includes the fields created using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.

You can create custom fields, and add certain rules so that the custom fields will only be applied if a certain user role is added, or even make it available for all user roles:

In the example shown above, the rule is “Show this field group” if the User Role is equal to All. This means that the “Location” field will be available for each user role:

Moreover, you also have the option to insert these roles anywhere on your page/post, as dynamic information:

You can read more about the Dynamic Links feature here.

Edit Form Elements

If you want to further customize the items from your form, you can do that by clicking on the “Edit Form Elements” button in the left sidebar:

This will allow you to customize each of the items of the form as you would do with any other Thrive Architect element.

You can, for example. change the text displayed on the “Button” element by clicking on the text field and replacing it with what you best see fit:

When you have finished customizing the form items, make sure to click on the “Done” button and save your changes:

Since you are logged in with your WordPress account, you will notice that your WordPress details will be filled in automatically in the form:

If you want to test the form and make sure everything is set up correctly, you will need to open the page in incognito mode. You can “Save and Preview” the page, from the “Save Work” options in your left sidebar:

And then copy and paste the link in an incognito window. Fill in all the required fields and then click on “Sign Up Now!”:

If the connection is properly done, you’ll receive a “Success” message like this one:

These are the steps for easily setting up a WordPress connection with one of your Thrive forms. You can read more about setting up various connections for your Thrive forms in our knowledge base.

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