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  5. Using the Building Block Elements in Thrive Theme Builder

Using the Building Block Elements in Thrive Theme Builder

When using the Thrive Theme Builder editor, you can utilize various elements that you can add to your templates, in order to fully customize them and build the website design of your dreams.

The purpose of this article is to let you know that some of these elements are specific to Thrive Theme Builder, and some of them are exactly the same as the ones from Thrive Architect.

For the ones that do not differ from one editor to another, we did not create separate articles. This is because the way to use and customize these elements from the “Building Blocks” section of the list of elements, is exactly the same as the way you customize the “Building Blocks” elements from the Thrive Architect editor.

In both the editors, you can open the list of all the available elements by clicking on the plus sign from the right sidebar:

In the “Building Blocks” section, you have a lot of elements, that you can find in both of the editors:

Should you need information about these elements, please feel free to check out the following articles:

These are all of the elements from the “Building Blocks” section of the element list. The way to customize these elements is just as presented in the articles, for both the Thrive Architect and the Thrive Theme Builder editors.

If you need more information about Thrive Theme Builder and its various features, make sure to check out our knowledge base.

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