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  5. Structuring & Managing Your Courses Using the Bulk Actions

Structuring & Managing Your Courses Using the Bulk Actions

There are a few bulk actions in Thrive Apprentice that come in handy when structuring and managing your course.

Using these actions will save you time while building your course.

In order to see the bulk actions, you will need to first access your course. Hover over the Thrive Dashboard and click on Thrive Apprentice:

Then, select the course that you would like to edit by clicking on it, or in case you did not create a course yet, read this article to learn how to do so.

After you have also added some content to the course: for example, a couple of lessons, you will see that there is a checkbox next to each lesson:

Note: If you add chapters and modules to your course, then, the checkbox will also appear next to those as well.

Once you have selected a lesson, all the bulk actions will also appear in the section above the lessons:

Select All

If you add content to your course, the “Select All” option appears above the content, before the other bulk actions are displayed:

If you click on it, all of your content will be selected, the “Select All” checkbox will be checked and the other Bulk Actions will also appear:

This means that going forward, you can use the “Select All” option when you want to apply the action you are about to take to every selected item (content) at once.

Group into a Chapter

You can use the “Group into a Chapter” option in case you have added lessons to your course, but you haven’t added chapters to the course yet, and now you would like to organize the lessons into chapters.

For that, first select the lessons you want to group together, click on the “Group into a Chapter” option:

You will see a pop-up, letting you know that you are about to group all lessons into a chapter:

Then, all you have left to do is to add a title to the chapter, by completing it in the respective section of the pop-up that opens and click on “Save”.

After you have done this, the new chapter will be created and the lessons you have previously selected will be grouped in that chapter.

Note: If you do not select every lesson that you have in a course when using the “Group into a Chapter”, the items that are not selected will be moved into a new chapter.

You will be notified of this, once you click on “Group into a Chapter”, and first you will have to give a title to the new chapter that will contain the lessons that were not selected:

Then, you will have to proceed as usual, and give the name of the chapter where the selected lessons will be grouped.

Group into a Module

This action/option works the same way as the previous one does. You have to select the content of the course that you want to group into a module and then, click on the “Group into a Module” option:

A warning message will appear, where you will have to confirm that you really want to group the items into a module:

After you do this (by clicking on the continue button) another pop-up will appear where you can give a title to your module:

If you are done, click on the “Save” button. The module will be created and the content you have selected will be grouped into it.

Note: Chapters with lessons in them, as well as simple lessons that are not in a chapter, can also be grouped into a module.


The “Move” option is useful if you want to move a lesson, a chapter, or a module from one course to another, or if you want to reorganize the items you have in a course.

Moving items from one course to another course:

If you want to move items (modules, chapters, lessons) from one course to another one, then, first you have to select the item(s) you wish to move. Then, click on the “Move” option from above the content of your course:

A pop-up will open, where you can select where you would like to move the items. Click on the “Select a course” section and choose the destination course from the drop-down list that appears:

After you select the course, click on the “Move selected items” button, from the bottom right corner of the pop-up and the items will be moved.

Rearranging a course – moving the items within it

If you have a course with various items (modules, chapters, lessons) you may wish to move its items from one place to another, within the course.

For instance, you may want to move a lesson from one chapter to another, or maybe even in another module; or you want to move a whole chapter from one module to another one.

In order to do this, you will have to click on the dots next to the lesson you want to move and drag and drop it within the desired chapter/module:

A few things to keep in mind about the “Move” option:

If your course has the following structure: Module-Chapter-Lessons and you want to move the lessons directly into the module, you will need to do the following:

  1. Create another module (if you do not have another one already)
  2. Move the lessons into the empty module
  3. Delete the chapter from the initial module
  4. Move the lessons back to the initial module


If you want to publish more items of your course at the same time, you can easily do that using the “Publish” option.

Select the items that you want to publish and then, click on the “Publish” option above the content of the course:

After you have done this, the items that you have selected will be published in a matter of seconds.

Color codes

There are certain color codes that signal whether or not the items of your course are published. In front of every chapter and module, you will see a circle, and in the case of lessons, you will see a line, with a color. The colors represent the following:

  • Red = Unpublished

If the circle/line in front of an item is red, that means the respective item is not published yet.

  • Yellow = Published & unpublished content

If the circle in front of a chapter or a module is yellow, that means the respective chapter or a module contains published and unpublished content as well.

  • Green = Published

If the circle/line in front of an item is green, that means the respective item is already published.

A few things to keep in mind about the “Publish” option:

  • Once you have published at least one lesson from a course, you will have the possibility to publish the course as well.

The “Publish” button from the right side of the course will become green and you can click on it to publish the course:

  • You cannot publish chapters or modules without having at least one of the lessons that are in them published.
  • If you publish a lesson from a chapter or a module, the chapter or the module will also be published. This is because of the structure that your course has. If a lesson is in a module or a chapter those will need to be published as well, in order for the lesson to be published.


If you have more items of a course that you would like to unpublish at the same time, then, simply use the “Unpublish” bulk option.

Select the items that you wish to unpublish and then, click on the “Unpublish” option that is situated above the content of your course:

Note: Please keep in mind that if you delete chapters or modules that have additional items in them, then, the content inside (the lessons/chapters) will also be deleted.


In case you have a course that contains items you no longer have a use for, then you can simply delete them following these steps:

Select the items that you want to delete and click on the “Delete” option that can be found above the content of your course:

After you confirm that you indeed want to delete the selected items, they will be deleted.

These were all the bulk actions/options that you can use while building your course with Thrive Apprentice.

However, if you wish to find more details on how Thrive Apprentice works, please check out this knowledge base section.

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