Thrive Themes products integrate with Webinar Jam through the API. Watch the video below to learn more:
In order to create and set up an API connection with WebinarJam, you need to follow some steps. First off, you need to get an API key, that you can later use in your Thrive Dashboard. Here is how you can do that:
Get the WebinarJam API key
The first thing you need to do is to log into your WebinarJam account and create a webinar.
Create a Webinar
After you have successfully logged in, access “WebinarJam”:
Then, once you open the webinar’s page, if you have not created any webinars yet, click on “Add Webinar” and create one:
The next steps will take you through the configuration process (such as webinar schedule time, name, description), so make sure to select the options that fit your needs:
Once the configuration is complete, click on the “Advanced” settings next to the webinar you want to access:
A pop-up will open, from where you have to choose “API custom integration” and your API details will automatically show up below the selection:
Then, you can move on to the next step, which is to insert the key into the Thrive Themes Dashboard.
Add the keys to your Thrive Dashboard
After you have found and copied the API key, head over to your WordPress admin dashboard, and click on “Thrive Dashboard” from the left sidebar:
Here, scroll down to find the “API Connections” card, and click on “Manage Connections”:
You will see a list with the active connections that you have already set up. Click on “Add new Connection” in order to add a new one:
Then, click on the downwards pointing arrow in order to view all the integrations and select Webinar JamStudio from the list:
Once you have selected “WebinarJam Studio”, you can paste the API key into the “API key” field and then click on “Connect”:
Once the connection is created, you’ll get this modification letting you know that the API has been set and ready to use:
If you click on the “Done” button, you’ll notice three additional options that you can use anytime, just by accessing this API manager. You will be able to test, edit, or simply remove the connection:
Connecting WebinarJam to a “Lead Generation” element
After the connection between WebinarJam and your Thrive Themes account has been set up in your API manager, you can proceed with using the connection.
In order to do that, you will have to connect it to one of the “Lead Generation” elements available on your pages or posts. This way, whenever a visitor will subscribe through it, he or she will automatically be added to one of your webinars.
Open with Thrive Architect the page or post on which you want to set up the connection. Then, click on the plus sign from the right sidebar of the editor, and look for “Lead Generation”:
Once found, drag and drop it to your page and select a template from the template library. The element will automatically be added to your page:
1. Add Connection
Once the element has been added to your page, its main options will appear in the left sidebar:
Before setting up the connection, you should make sure that in the “Connection” section, the “API” option is selected:
Then, click on the blue “Add Connection” button:
After you click on “Add Connection”, a small pop-up will open, where you have to choose the API Connection that you want to use. Click on the downwards pointing arrow to open the drop-down:
This will open a list with all the available connections. Here, look for “WebinarJam Studio” and click on it:
Mailing list
The next thing you can set up here is the mailing list. Open the drop-down list from the next available field, and choose the one that you want to use by clicking on it:
After that, you can click on “Apply” in order to save the changes:
2. Set Form Fields
The next step consists of customizing the fields of your form. You will notice that, by default, you already have some fields set, depending on the template you have chosen for your “Lead Generation” element:
Then, you can manage the fields as you wish. You can edit the existing ones, delete them, or add new fields.
Note: Depending on which type of field you have selected, the options that appear below it can be different. You can find the options for each type of field here:
You can read all about how to customize the form fields and how to set what happens after the user successfully subscribes through your form in this article.
When you have finished with customizing your left sidebar options, make sure to save all the changes by clicking on the green “Save Work” button from the bottom left side of the screen:
Connecting WebinarJam to Thrive Leads
You can also connect your WebinarJam account to a form from Thrive Leads.
For doing that, you first have to access the Thrive Leads dashboard, by hovering over the “Thrive Dashboard” of your WordPress admin dashboard:
In the dashboard that appears on the screen, look for the Lead Group that contains the type of opt-in form that you want to connect and click on it to open the list with all the form types:
From this list, select the form type you want to edit and click on the “Edit” button:
And lastly, in the new window that loads on the screen, select the form you want to use for the connection and click on “Edit Design”:
The Thrive Architect editor will open, where you will be able to view the template for the selected opt-in form. Look for the “Lead Generation” element within the current template, and once you find it, click on it to select it:
This will trigger the main options of the element in the left sidebar.:
You will notice that the options are identical to the ones described earlier in this article, for the API connection through a “Lead Generation” element. Therefore, in order to successfully connect this opt-in form to WebinarJam, you can follow the same steps.
These were the way in which you can set up a connection between your WebinarJam account and one of our “Lead Generation” element or Thrive Leads forms.
If you need more information about Thrive Leads or Thrive Architect, please check out our Knowledge Base articles.