Setting up an API Connection with HubSpot

Thrive Themes products connect to HubSpot through their API. Follow the video below to learn how this is done:

If you are looking for a way to connect the e-mail marketing services of HubSpot to one of your Thrive Themes forms, then this article might be helpful to you.

Here are all the necessary steps for creating and using an API connection with HubSpot:

Get the HubSpot Access Token

The first thing you need to do is to log into your HubSpot account. Next, look for the “Settings” gear icon in the top right corner of the navigation bar, and click on it:

This will take you to the settings page of your account, where you’ll need to click on “Integrations” from the left sidebar:

Create a New Private App

After you access the “Integrations” sub-menu, proceed with clicking on “Private Apps”:

In the “Private Apps” dashboard you will be able to generate an access token for your API integration. This is a more secure way to make API calls to your HubSpot account.

For that, click on “Create a private app”:

Start by setting up the “Basic info” details:

Once ready, swipe over to the “Scopes” tab:

The scopes you select here will determine what exactly your app can do in HubSpot. The list is quite vast, but make sure you select here only the necessary scopes and that you set both the ‘read’ and ‘write’ permissions for “crm.lists”:

Once selected, click on the “Create app” button from the right-hand side corner of the screen:

Make sure to read the warning message that shows up on your screen, before continuing with the creation of the new private app:

And lastly, you’ll get the access token needed for the API integration. You will be able to view the token and copy it directly from this pop-up window:

Add the Token to the Thrive Dashboard

With your access token copied, access the Thrive Dashboard:

Look for the ‘API Connections’ card:

In the API manager dashboard, click on “Add connection”:

Look for HubSpot in the list of apps:

Make sure you select ‘Version 2’ and paste the access token in the corresponding field:

After you click on “Connect” you’ll get this success notification message:

Your HubSpot connection card will become visible in the dashboard, alongside three additional options that you can use to test, edit, or remove the connection:

Already Existing HubSpot API Integration

If you have already set up an API integration with HubSpot, in the Thrive Dashboard, then you’ve most certainly used an API Key:

However, HubSpot API keys can no longer be used as an authentication method to access HubSpot APIs. They will be replaced by access tokens generated from the “Private Apps” dashboard, of the same sub-menu:

The process for generating a new private app (and its corresponding access token) has already been described above.

Regardless of whether you already have an active integration with HubSpot or if this is the first time setting it up, the steps are identical.

The only difference is that you will now have to switch from “Version 1” to “Version 2” in the Thrive Dashboard HubSpot API card and replace the previously existing API key with the newly generated “Private Apps” access token.

With your access token copied, access the API manager from the Thrive Dashboard:

Find the HubSpot connection card and click on “Edit”:

You will, most likely, have “Version 1” selected at the moment:

Make sure you select “Version 2” and paste in your access token in the corresponding field:

Click on “Connect” and continue using your HubSpot integration just as before.

Connecting HubSpot to a “Lead Generation” element

After the API connection with HubSpot has been created, you will be able to connect “Lead Generation” forms to your account.

Open the page or post on which you want to add your form, and look for the “Lead Generation” element in the right sidebar:

Drag and drop the element to your page, and choose a template from the library:

The “Main Options” of the element will appear in the left sidebar, so you can start using them to customize the “Lead Generation” element as you best see fit:

We have created a dedicated article about how to use all of these options, which you can find linked here.

1. Add Connection

Next, you need to check if the “API” button is selected next to the “Connection” section of your left sidebar:

Afterward, click on the blue “Add Connection” button:


A drop-down list will appear in your sidebar, where you can look for the HubSpot connection. Click on the drop-down list to open it:

And next search the HubSpot field and select it:

Mailing List

The next drop-down list that appears in the sidebar is the mailing list. Select one of the mailing lists that you’ve previously set up in your HubSpot account:


Keep in mind that when you create the mailing list in your HubSpot account, you’ll have the option of choosing between an active list and a static list.

For this integration to work properly, make sure you select a static list:

Once you’ve set up everything, click on “Apply” and return to the main options sidebar:

2. Set up the form fields

The next step in the process is setting up the form fields for your opt-in form:

The fields showing up here might be different depending on what template you have chosen for your form. However, you can add, edit or remove them at any time from the left sidebar options.

We do have a separate section dedicated to setting up these fields, so make sure to read it in the article linked here.

When you have finished with customizing your left sidebar options, make sure to save all the changes by clicking on the green “Save Work” button from the bottom left side of the screen:

Connecting HubSpot to Thrive Leads

If you want to connect one of your Thrive Leads opt-in forms with HubSpot, you can do that as well.

In order to do that, you first have to access the Thrive Leads section, from your Thrive Dashboard:

Next, look for the lead group which has the opt-in form you want to use for this connection, and click on it to view the full list of forms:

Click on “Edit” next to the form you want to access (in this example a “Widget”):

This will open a list with all the “Widget” type of forms. Look for the one that you want to add the connection to, and click on “Edit Design”:

The Thrive Architect editor will open, and you can select the “Lead Generation” element from the template you have chosen for this form:

The “Lead Generation” options will appear in the left sidebar. The way to set up the HubSpot connection for a Thrive Leads opt-in form is exactly as described above for the “Lead Generation” element:

Now whenever someone fills in one of these forms, you should be able to find them in the “Lists” section of your HubSpot account.

If you need more information about various Thrive Themes features or products, make sure to check out our articles and tutorials, here.

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