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  5. Setting Up an API Connection with GetResponse

Setting Up an API Connection with GetResponse


In case you are a GetResponse 360 user, there are some differences that you need to keep an eye on.

The application must redirect to the page in your custom domain, for example, https://custom-domain.getresponse360.com/oauth2_authorize.html

The token requests have to be sent to one of GetResponse API v3 endpoints (depending on your environment). The token requests have to include an X-Domain header.

Also, the application has to be registered in a GetResponse 360 account within the same environment.

Here are the steps that you need to go through, to connect your GetResponse account to your Thrive Dashboard:

Get the GetResponse API keys

First and foremost, you will have to log in to your GetResponse account.

Then, click on “Tools”, from the top left side of their dashboard:

A list of options will open. Click on “Integrations & API”:

After this, click on “API”:

You will need to generate API keys, in order to connect the service to your Thrive Dashboard.

Generate the API key

To do this, click on the blue “Generate API key” button:

A pop-up will open. To generate the API key, you will have to name it, by entering an appropriate name in this field:

Once you provide a name, click on “Generate”:

After doing so, you will be able to see the API key that you will need to use in your Thrive Dashboard. There is a “Copy” button that you can use, to copy the key to your keyboard, as it is now time to access the Thrive Dashboard and insert the key there:

Add the key to your Thrive Dashboard

Moving forward, you will have to access your Thrive Dashboard, from the left sidebar of your WordPress admin dashboard:

Scroll down to get to the “Thrive Features” section, and look for the “API Connections” card. Click on “Manage Connections”:

A list with all of the active connections will open. Click on “Add New Connection”:

After clicking on the “Select an app” field, you will be given a list with all of the available integrations that you can set up when using Thrive Themes. From this list, click on “GetResponse”:

Now, you will have to choose which version you want to use:

Click on Version 3 here, as Version 2 is not supported anymore.

You will have to paste the previously copied API key in the first field. You can also add some extra information, such as the Enterprise URL. When finished, click on “Connect”:

A success notification will then appear, and it will let you know that you can start using the integration:

What you can do next is set up and connect any of your Thrive Forms to this service. You can either connect a “Lead Generation” element to your GetResponse account, or you can access Thrive Leads and connect one of the opt-in forms you have created there.

Connecting GetResponse to a “Lead Generation” element

In order to do this, you will have to open a page/post in Thrive Architect and, if you haven’t already, add a “Lead Generation” element to that post/page.

Once you do that, the options of the element will appear in the left sidebar. Please read this article if you want to see how to use each of them.

1. Add Connection

Firstly, let’s set up the connection. For that, make sure that you’ve selected “API” in this section:

Next, click on “Add Connection“:

This opens a small pop-up, where you will have to configure some settings:


First, click on the “Choose Connection” field:

From the list of available integrations that opens, choose “GetResponse”:

Cycle Day

Then, choose the cycle day, to decide on which day, after signup, the email will be sent to the subscriber. You can do so by entering a numerical value in this field:

When you’re done, click on “Apply”:

2. Set up the form fields

The connection has been made. The next step would be to set up the form fields.

For each type of field, we have created a separate article, that explains how to add and customize it, and you can check them out here:

You can find out more information about how to do that, in the dedicated section of the “Lead Generation” article, that you can find here.

After setting up the fields, the next step would be for you to choose what happens after someone successfully submits the form to your site.

If you need guidance with this part, you can also check out the article about the “Lead Generation” element, where we’ve explained what your options are, in the After Successful Submission section.

You’re all done, and you can start using the connection. Just make sure to save all the changes, so that the API connection to be saved as well. To do that, click on the green “Save Work” button from the bottom left side of the screen.

Connecting GetResponse to Thrive Leads

Besides linking your account to a “Lead Generation” element, you can also connect the service to one of the forms created in Thrive Leads. If you want to do that, access the Thrive Leads dashboard, by hovering over “Thrive Dashboard” (in the WordPress admin dashboard):

In Thrive Leads, find the Lead Group, that contains the type of form that you want to add the connection to, and click on it, to open the list with all of the form types:

After you find the form type (in this case, “Widget”), click on “Edit”, from its right side:

A list with all the “Widget” types of forms will open. Look for the one that you want to add the connection to, and click on “Edit Design”:

Now, the Thrive Architect editor will open. The form will have a “Lead Generation” element inside it, and you can select it, by clicking on it, in the editor:

The “Lead Generation” options will appear in the left sidebar. The way to set up the GetResponse connection is exactly as described above, when explaining how to link this connection to a “Lead Generation” element.

You can then set the display settings of the form, and choose on what posts/pages it should appear, and you’re all set.

You are now all set to use this connection. Each time someone will sign up using a form from your site, they will also be added to the chosen mailing list, as a subscriber.

If you need more information about various Thrive Themes features or products, make sure to check out our articles and tutorials, here.

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