Setting up an API Connection with Drip

Thrive Themes products connect to Drip through their API. Follow the video below to learn how this is done:

This article might be useful to you if you are looking for a way to use the e-mail marketing services of Drip with one of your Thrive Themes opt-in forms.

Get the Drip API keys

In order to get access to your API details, you first have to log into your Drip account. For this type of connection, you will need a client ID and an API token.

The client ID can be found in your address bar, after you login into your account, and it’s the numerical sequence between the “” part and the “dashboard” part:

For the API token, you have to click on the top right corner of your screen, on the user profile icon:

In the sub-menu that opens, click on “User Settings”:

If you scroll down on this page, you’ll be able to view and copy your API token:

The following step in the process is pasting your client ID and API token in your Thrive Dashboard.

Add the keys to your Thrive Dashboard

In your WordPress admin dashboard, click on Thrive Dashboard:

Scroll down until you see the “API Connections” card, and once found, click on “Manage Connections”:

Click on “Add New Connection” in order to start setting up the integration:

Open the drop-down list to view to the full list of available services:

In the list that opens you can either scroll down and look for the Drip integration, or you can type the name in the search field:

Add all the required details (client ID and API token) in the corresponding fields and click on “Connect”:

If the connection is successful, you will get a message letting you know that you can start using the connection. Click on “Done”:

You can always return to the API manager and further test, edit, or remove the connection:

Connecting Drip to a “Lead Generation” element

Once the API connection with Drip has been set, you will be able to connect “Lead Generation” forms to your account.

Open with Thrive Architect the page or post on which you want to add your form, and look for the “Lead Generation” element in the right sidebar:

Then, drag and drop the element to your page:

After you choose a template, you will notice that the “Main Options” will become available in the left sidebar:

1. Add Connection

The first thing you need to do when setting up the integration is to check that the API connection is selected:

Afterwards, click on the blue “Add Connection” button:


This will trigger a drop-down list, which you need to expand in order to look for the Drip connection:

Look for Drip within the current list and select it:

You will next have to set up several additional details, from the same pop-up:

First of all, you should decide what happens in your Drip account after the user completes the form:

You can choose between adding the user to a campaign or recording a custom campaign.

  • If you choose the first option, “Add to Campaign”, then the user will be automatically sent to a certain campaign that you have set up in your account.
  • If you choose the second option, “Record Custom Event”, it will mean that once a person passed through this action, an event will be recorded in your Drip account.

We will use the “Add to Campaign” option for this connection example, but you can learn more about how to record a custom event here.


After you’ve selected the “Add to Campaign” option from the drop-down list, you’ll have to next select the campaign to which the user will be added once the form is submitted:


If you want to create a tag targeted campaign, you can do so from the next available option.

Type in the tag in the “Add a tag” field, and then click on the plus sign to make sure your tag has been added:

Field Labels

You can next set up the label under which the name fields will be collected to Drip:

Just as the note says, this is applicable for those situations in which your form has name fields and you want to change the label under which the names are passed on to your Drop account.

Opt-in type

Lastly, you can choose if you want to automatically add the users to your mailing list, or if they have to first confirm their subscription before being added to your list:

If you want to learn more about how to use each type of opt-in and what is the difference between them, you can read this article from our knowledge base.

Once everything is set, click on “Apply” and return to the “Main Options”:

2. Set up the form fields

The next step is setting up the form fields. Depending on what type of template you have chosen for your “Lead Generation” element, you will have different kinds of form fields available in the left sidebar:

You can read more about form fields in the dedicated section of this article.

Once you are done with customizing the element as your best see fit, click on “Save Work”:

Connecting Drip to Thrive Leads

Another way of connecting your forms to Drip is through a Thrive Leads form.

If you want to do that, access the Thrive Leads dashboard, by hovering over the Thrive Dashboard section of your WordPress admin dashboard:

Then, find the Lead Group which has the form that you want to use for this integration:

This will open a list with all the forms you have set up for the connection. Click on the “Edit” button next to the form you want to access (in this case a “Lightbox”):

The list with all the “Lightbox” types of forms will open. Look for the one that you want to add the connection to, and click on “Edit Design”:

This will automatically take you to the Thrive Architect editor, where you can select the “Lead Generation” element available in your opt-in form:

This will enable the left sidebar set of “Main Options”, allowing you to start setting up the connection:

The process is identical to the one already described above, in the case of connecting to a “Lead Generation” form.

These are the steps for setting up a connection between your Drip account and a Thrive Themes opt-in form. If you want to learn more about API Connections and how they work, make sure to read our dedicated knowledge base articles.

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