Setting up an API Connection with AWeber

This article will help you connect your AWeber account to your site, by using a “Lead Generation” element, or a Thrive Leads opt-in form.

There are several steps for setting up this connection, and once this is done, you will be able to connect your forms to the e-mail marketing services of AWeber.

Add the login details to your Thrive Dashboard

In order to start using AWeber with one of your forms, you’ll first have to make sure you have created a valid connection in your Thrive API Connection Dashboard.

For that, access our Thrive Dashboard from your WordPress admin dashboard:

Look for the API Connections card, and once found, click on “Manage Connections”:

Then, click on the “Add New Connection” card in order to start setting up the AWeber connection:

Click on the “Select an app” drop-down field, in order to load the full list of available services. Under the “Email Marketing” section you will be able to find and select AWeber:

Then, click on “Connect”:

You will be redirected to a new window, in which you will be requested to insert your AWeber credentials. After you’ve added them, click on “Allow Access”:

If the connection is successful, you will receive this notification in your Thrive Dashboard:

You can always return to this dashboard and test (1), edit (2), or remove (3) the connection:

Now that the connection is up and running, you can go ahead and start the integration with the “Lead Generation” element, or with a Thrive Leads opt-in form.

Connecting AWeber to a “Lead Generation” element

Should you want to connect your AWeber account to a “Lead Generation” element, you first have to open a Thrive Architect page or post, and, in the right sidebar, look for the “Lead Generation” element:

Once found, drag and drop it to the page to the desired location. This will automatically load the “Main Options” sidebar, on the left side of the screen:

In order to set up the integration, make sure the “Connection” is set to “API”:

1. Add Connection

Next, click on “Add Connection”:


This will trigger a drop-down list, which you need to expand in order to see the full list of available connections:

Look for the desired connection, in this case, AWeber, and select it:

Mailing List

Next, you will be able to select a mailing list, based on what you have created in your AWeber account:

Note: in case your mailing list is not showing up in the drop-down, make sure you click the “Refresh” button next to it:

It might happen that the system has not loaded your mailing list (especially if it’s a newly added one), so a refresh would come in handy at this stage.


If you want, you can add tags to your form, which will allow you to create tag categorization for the users who subscribe through this form.

In order to do that, type the tag in the corresponding field, and click on the plus icon:

The tag will automatically appear in the list. You can add as many tags as you need. Once you’ve set this up, don’t forget to click on “Apply”:

2. Set up the form fields

Next, you can start setting up the form fields. Depending on what type of template you have chosen for your “Lead Generation” element, you will have different kinds of form fields available in the left sidebar:

These are fully customizable, so you can add new fields if you want, rename them, or even remove the ones which you do not need. You can find out more information about how to do that, in the dedicated section of the “Lead Generation” article, here.

After you are done with setting up the left sidebar options, make sure to save all the changes. To do that, click on the green “Save Work” button from the bottom left side of the screen:

Connecting AWeber to Thrive Leads

As detailed at the beginning of this article, you can also connect your AWeber account to an opt-in form from a Thrive Leads group.

To do that, hover over the Thrive Dashboard section of your WordPress admin dashboard, and select Thrive Leads:

Look for the Lead Group which has your opt-in form, and click on it to expand it:

A Lead Group might have more than just one opt-in form, so make sure to look for the form that you need, and once found, click on the “Edit” icon:

In the form dashboard, click on “Edit Design” next to the “Lightbox” you want to edit:

The Thrive Architect editor will open, along with the “Lead Generation” element template chosen for that form. Click on it to select it:

After you select the “Lead Generation” element, the “Main Options” will appear in the left sidebar:

From this point onwards, the process for setting up the connection will be identical to the one described above for connecting your AWeber account to a “Lead Generation” element.

Note: Keep in mind that, after someone submits their information in your form, they will have to go to their mail and confirm that they want to sign up/subscribe to your site:

These are the steps for setting up and using an API connection with AWeber.

Don’t hesitate to check out our knowledge base if you want to read more about API Connections and how Thrive Leads works.

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