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  5. Enabling Email Notifications for Completed Quizes Using the Lead Generation Element

Enabling Email Notifications for Completed Quizes Using the Lead Generation Element

Besides setting up a notification in the Notification Manager (as described in this article), you can now set up a notification email using the “Lead Generation” element as well, in order to be notified when someone completes your quiz and fills out the form created with the element.

To do this, you will have to use an “Email” connection, while setting up a “Lead Generation” element, either on the Opt-in Gate of your quiz or on the Results Page you have set up for it.

Here are the steps you need to take to do this:

Add the element

First, you will need to add a “Lead Generation” element to the Opt-in Gate, or to the Results Page, you have set up for your quiz in Thrive Quiz Builder. While editing the design of either of these two pages, click on the plus sign from the right sidebar:

This will open a list of the available elements. Look for the “Lead Generation” element and when you have found it, drag & drop it to the desired place on the Opt-in Gate/Results Page:

Note: In the case of the Opt-in Gate, the “Lead Generation” element is most likely already added to the page by default. In such cases, simply click on the element to select it.

Add the Email connection

After you have added the element, you will see its options appear in the left sidebar. Look for the “Sends leads to” option, from the “Main Options” of the element, in the sidebar. When you found it, click on the “Add Connection” button next to it:

Next, click on the “Choose Connection” field from the pop-up that opens:

Then, a drop-down will open with a list of the available connections. Click on the “Email” connection from it, because this is the connection type you need to add now:

This way, the “Email” connection will be selected and the pop-up will change accordingly, displaying the options you have for adding/setting up this connection:

Set up the Email Delivery Service

Next, you should select which server the email notifications will be sent from. You can do this using the “Email delivery service” section of the pop-up.

By default, the “Send emails from this site” option is selected in this section, meaning that the emails will be sent from the server of your website. If this is your preferred setting, then leave the option as is.

However, if you want, you can also send the emails through an email delivery service (like PostMark or SendGrid) instead of your website’s server. If you want to do this, click on the field with the “Send emails from this site” option:

Then, in order to select another server, click on the email delivery service you want to use from the drop-down that opens:

Note: The drop-down will contain the email delivery services that you have previously made an API connection with on your website. In this example, the website has an API connection set up with PostMark, but your drop-down may contain different email delivery services.

For more details on the email delivery service aspect of the “Email” connection, you can read this article.

Compose the Email

After you have selected the “Email delivery service”, you can start setting up the message/composing the actual notification email that will be sent upon quiz and form completion.

To do this, click on the “Compose Email” option from the “Message” section of the pop-up:

Then, set up the notification email using the options in the pop-up window that opens:

“To” field

Complete the “To” field, from the pop-up, with the email address you want the notification email to be sent to when someone will use the form (created with the “Lead Generation” element) after completing your quiz.

By default, the field will be automatically filled in with the admin email address of your WordPress website. If this is the one you want to receive the notification emails on, then, simply leave the “To” field as it is:

In case you want to change this email address because you would rather receive the notification emails on a different address, then just delete the admin email from the field and replace it with the email address that you want to use.

“From name” field

Next comes the “From name” field, which stands for the place where the notifications emails will be sent from. By default, the name of your website will be completed here:

If you want to change this, simply delete the name of your website from the field and replace it with the name you want to use.

“From email” field

The “From email” field represents the email address where the notification emails will be sent from. Similarly to the “To” field, this field is also completed by default with the admin email address of your website:

You can leave this as it is, or if you want to change it, just like in the case of the other fields, delete the current email address from it and replace it with another one.

Note: In case you have chosen to send the emails from the server of an email delivery service, then the “From email” field will not be customizable, it will be grayed out.

This is because in such cases, the email completed in the “From email” field will be the one you used to make the API connection between the email delivery service and your website, therefore it is not possible to change it from here.

Email subject

The next step is to set up a subject for the notification emails. You can do this in the field below the “From email” field. By default the email subject is “Someone completed the quiz: [quiz_name]”:

The [quiz_name] shortcode from it will automatically render the name of the quiz that was completed. If you want to change this subject, delete the default text from the field and replace it with the subject you want for the notification emails.

Email message

The next field (below the one with the email subject) contains the message of the notification email that will be sent:

If you wish, you can customize this message easily. Click in the field, delete the text parts of the message you do not need, and replace them with the new text you want in the notification email.


The shortcodes like [quiz_name], [page_url], [all_form_fields], [quiz_result] will render the corresponding information automatically, when the email will be sent.

Therefore, if you want to receive the information rendered by these shortcodes (the user’s details, the URL where the quiz was completed, the answers users gave for the quiz, the results they got) you must keep these shortcodes in the message.

Add shortcodes

You also have the option of adding various shortcodes, in order to get additional data in the notification email via those shortcodes.

With the shortcodes, you can include information such as:

  • the date and time when the quiz and the form were completed;

  • the IP address or the device settings of the user who completed the quiz and the form etc.

To add shortcodes, click on the field from the “Add Shortcodes” section:

Then, click on the shortcode you want to add from the drop-down list that opens. Use the scroll-bar to see all the available shortcodes:

After you click on the shortcode you want to add, it will be selected. All you have left to do now is to click on the “Insert Field” button, next to the field with the shortcode:

This way, the new shortcode will be inserted at the end of the message in the “Message” field above. Naturally, you can structure the message as you see fit. So for example, you can press “Enter” before the new shortcode to place it in a different line, or you can also add an explanatory text before it, etc.

You can add as many shortcodes as you like to the message, by repeating these steps.

Furthermore, you can also set up a confirmation email for the quiz participants. The way to do this is detailed in this article.

Save the changes & apply the Email connection

After you have finished setting up the notification email, click on the “Save and Apply” button from the bottom-right corner of the pop-up, in order to save all the modifications you have made, and apply the “Email” connection to the “Lead Generation” element.

Once this is done, the pop-up will close, your changes will be saved and you will see that the “Email” connection will be applied/added to the element:

If you want more details on how to set up this email connection in general, please take a look at the article here.

Customize the rest of the element

When the “Email” connection is set up, you can also customize the rest of the “Lead Generation” element, using its other options that can be found in the left-sidebar, when the element is selected.

If you need further information on how to use these options, check out this tutorial.

Save the Opt-in Gate/Results Page design

After you have finished customizing everything on the Opt-in Gate/Results Page, don’t forget to save the changes with the “Save Work” button, from the bottom-left part of the editor:

Then, the whole setup will be complete. This means that whenever somebody will complete your quiz and fill out the form created with the “Lead Generation” element, from the Opt-in Gate/Results Page, you will receive a notification email.

If you want to find out more about the Thrive Quiz Builder options and features, check out our knowledge base here.

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