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  5. Connecting ThriveCart and Thrive Apprentice – Troubleshooting

Connecting ThriveCart and Thrive Apprentice – Troubleshooting

If you’re trying to connect your ThriveCart account to Thrive Apprentice, you might stumble upon some situations where you’re not sure why the connection is not working properly.

Here are some of these common situations, and what you can do to avoid them:

Errors when setting up ThriveCart Products


When trying to create a product in ThriveCart, you get this error message:

Solution ​

This will appear because ThriveCart will tell if you do not have any published courses in your Thrive Apprentice dashboard.

Moreover, even if you do have some published courses, you need to set the access rules from the Thrive Apprentice dashboard.

Therefore, to solve this issue, make sure that:

  • You have at least one published course in the Thrive Apprentice dashboard. Check out this article to find out how to publish a course.

  • You have set the access rules from the Thrive Apprentice Dashboard. Check out this article to find out how to set the ThriveCart access rules.

Users do not get information via email


My user did not get an email with the login information.


Please make sure you have set the “Add them to my membership site” option in the “What should happen after purchase?” section:

Then, complete all of the necessary information, in the next fields, as advised here.

Users do not get the login information via email


My user got their invoice via email, but they did not get the email with the login information:

Solution #1

Make sure that you have chosen an email template for the “New account created” situation, as advised here.

Once you have selected the email template and clicked on “Save Template”, the users should get two emails upon purchase: one with the invoice, and one with the login information, as seen here:

Solution #2

Make sure that the users also check the “Spam” folder.

Since the second email, with the login info, will come from WordPress, this will be likely to be stored in the “Spam” folder of your users’ email service.

We do have a solution that will prevent these emails from going to spam.

Please see this article in case you’re interested in how you can achieve that.

Other Common Issues


WordPress Site URL is malfunctioning.

Solution #1

Even though the example from the field is “http://mysite.com/members/“, keep in mind that only adding your standard WordPress site’s URL is enough here (“http://mysite.com/“).

Solution #2

Make sure that you keep the exact URL structure of the site. If your site starts with “https://“, please ensure that you add the same protocol structure in the “WordPress site URL” field, in ThriveCart.


When trying to create the setup in ThriveCart, you get this error message:


Try changing the permalinks structure from the WordPress settings, and change the “postname” structure to %postname%, as shown here:

These settings can be found in “Settings” – “Permalinks” – “Custom Structure”.

These were some of the most common obstacles you might stumble upon when trying to set up the connection.

If you still find yourself having trouble setting everything up, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team, and they will quickly help you out. I hope this article was useful. If so, make sure to leave a smile below 🙂

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