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  5. Cannot Change Some Elements Within the Course List Element

Cannot Change Some Elements Within the Course List Element

With the new “Course List” element, you are now able to add a list of your Thrive Apprentice courses, inside any page or post from your website.

Check out the article that we’ve written about this element and all about how you can customize it to fit your website, here.

However, you might have noticed that, when editing the element, you have more limited control over all of the items inside it, such as:

  • Action Button

  • Author Image

  • Cover Image

  • Course Description

  • Difficulty Level

  • Course Label

  • Number of Lessons

  • Course Name

  • Progress

  • Topic Icon

  • Topic Title

  • Course type icon

  • Course Type

This is because the information that you see inside this element is dynamic information. You can change these elements, but they will lose their dynamic properties if you do so.

Should you change the dynamic information from Thrive Architect?

As mentioned above, changing these items will make them lose their dynamic properties.

Let’s take the “Course Title” as an example. It is possible to change it from the Thrive Architect editor, but if you ever change the course title from Thrive Apprentice, the “Course List” element will not update with the new title.

This is why changing the topic/difficulty level/etc. should be done from the Thrive Apprentice dashboard:

When you change it from there, the information will be updated inside any “Course List” element you have placed throughout your website, as well.

Customizing these elements

However, in Thrive Architect, you will have full control over the customization of the “Course List” element, including the dynamic information.

So, even if the content shown in this element should be changed directly from Thrive Apprentice, you can edit the formatting aspects of the dynamic “Text” elements, customize the images, and so on.


Please keep in mind that group editing is enabled at all times when you edit the design of this element, in order to keep its consistency.

This means that, for example, if you remove or modify an element from it, the corresponding elements from the other course previews will also be affected:

Removing/Adding Course Specific Elements

Besides customizing the items inside the “Course List” element, you can also add and remove them.

Add Course List Items

There are two ways in which these can be added:

  • Add the elements from the element list

  • Add them as dynamic information

The other way in which you can add dynamic information inside this element is by adding a “Text” element, for example, and using the “Dynamic Text” feature from the panel options, as shown here:

We have a separate, dedicated article, from which you can learn more about adding dynamic information from Thrive Apprentice in your “Course List” element, which can be found here.

Remove Course List Items

To remove them, all you have to do is enter the “Edit Mode” of the “Course List” element, hover over the items that you want to remove, and simply delete them:

This way, you can really customize the “Course List” element by adding and removing various items from the element list, or adding “Text” elements and using the dynamic feature.

I really hope this article was useful to you. For more articles and tutorials, make sure you check out all of the sections available in our knowledge base.

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