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Attaching Downloadable Files to Lessons in Thrive Apprentice

There might be situations in which you would like to attach various document files to your Thrive Apprentice courses.

One of the ways in which you can do that is by using the “Add resources” button available at each lesson level:

In addition to this, you can also create a link or button within your lesson’s content, in which you can attach, for example, a completion diploma that the student can download after completing the course.

In this article, we will show you how you can do that in several easy steps.

Create a Thrive Apprentice Course

The first thing you need to do is to make sure you have set up your Thrive Apprentice course and published it.

You can check out the articles available in our “Getting Started” section, which go through all the necessary steps for creating and publishing your first Thrive Apprentice course.

Set up your Course Access Restrictions

After you’ve defined your course structure, you can go on and set up various access restriction rules.

You can opt for creating a “subscriber-only” type of course, in which the users have to be logged in to your website if they want to gain access. Or you can also create a course funnel, where you integrate with a membership plugin or a checkout tool, allowing you thus to sell your course.

Regardless of which option you choose, you should keep in mind that the users taking your course will have access to your files depending on how those access restriction rules have been set up by you.

Upload the File to the Media Library

In order to attach files to your courses, you first have to upload them to your Media Library.

In your WordPress admin dashboard, click on “Media”:

This will take you to the library, where you can easily upload files, such as documents, images, etc.:

Once your file has been uploaded, you can start using it anywhere on your website.

Attach the File to your Course

The last thing to do now is to attach your file to your Thrive Apprentice course.

In this example, I will use a “Button” element, that I will add in the last lesson of my course. I also want to attach a PDF file to it, which will be the course completion diploma. Each user who completes the course will also have the possibility to download the diploma by clicking on the button.

Access your Thrive Apprentice course, and open the “Content” tab:

Next, decide which lesson will have the download link, and open it with Thrive Architect:

From the right sidebar, drag and drop a “Button” element to your content and customize it as you best see fit:

You’ll next have to create the necessary settings using the “Main Options” of the element. Here, next to the “Button link” option, make sure the “Static link” button is selected:

Click on the gear icon next to the “Target URL” field:

The “Thrive Hyperlink Settings” lightbox will open, where you can select the content you want to have included in the search result. Select “Media”, and click on “Continue”:

Lastly, type in the name of your attachment in the search field and select the file from the results list:

Note: you can also paste the URL of the file directly in the “Target URL” field. To do that, you simply have to copy the URL of the file you have uploaded to your Media Libray:

And then paste it in the “Target URL” field:

Now your attachment has been added to your button as a static link. When you are done customizing the button, and your lesson’s content, go ahead and click on “Save Work”:

Your download button is now ready to be used.

Now, whenever someone who has access to the course clicks on this button, the download page will be triggered:

Hopefully, this article was useful to you! You can read more about Thrive Apprentice and how to use it in the dedicated section of our knowledge base.

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