Adding an Action Button to Your Course List Element

The “Course List” element lets you display a summary of your published Thrive Apprentice courses anywhere on your website.

This article will show you how to add an action button to your “Course List” element so that the visitors from your website can click it and be redirected to a certain Thrive Apprentice course.

This button displays dynamic content directly from Thrive Apprentice, depending on the progress made so far on the course.

Some of the “Course List” templates come with this button by default:

Whilst some templates do not have the action button:

If your template does not have an action button, or if you have removed it from your template and would like to add it back, then keep reading this article to find out how to do that.

Access the “Edit Design” mode

Firstly, you need to add the “Course List” element to your post or page and access its main options:

Then, enter the “Edit Design” mode in order to start customizing various items of your course list:

Add the “Action Button” to your list

Open the right sidebar list of elements:

Here, you will be using the “Action Button” element:

We have a separate article in our knowledge base that explains in-depth how to use each element available for the “Course List”.

Drag and drop it onto your course list, as you best see fit:

As soon as you do that, the button will show up on each course displayed within your list:

You can also notice that the action from each button will reflect the current status of the course (if it’s started or not).

Use the “Main Options”

Now you can start using the “Main Options” of the button, to further customize it:

Note: Remember that any change you make to the button will be reflected on each button available within your “Course List” element.

You can change the template of the button, as well as its color, size, text, and so on:

Any change you make will be visible on all buttons available in your “Course List”:

Furthermore, besides the usual options available for the “Button” element, you will also have here the “Dynamic link” feature which, in this case, is set by default to redirect the visitor to the selected course:

The “Action Button” will automatically be linked to the courses available in your Thrive Apprentice dashboard. Also, just as mentioned, the button will display the current progress (and will change according to the progress of the student).

This is how you can add the “Action Button” element to your course list, and how to use it in order to get the most out of it.

Don’t hesitate to check out other resources of this type, available in our knowledge base:

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