Accessing the Reports in Thrive Comments

In the “Reports” area, you will be able to see a chart with all the comments that were posted on your website, vote engagements, as well as the most active commenters, popular posts, and most upvoted comments.

The reports can be accessed from the Thrive Comments dashboard:

This will take you to this view, with various charts and graphs you can access:

Right off the bat, you can access different reports by opening the “Show report” drop-down found on the top left-hand side of the page:

Comments Graph

This graph allows you to see all the comments that were submitted by the users on your website, over a period of time:

As you can see, the comments are divided into several categories, depending on their current status (approved, replied, featured, etc.).

By default, you will see comments from your entire website:

However, you can choose to see only comments from a certain post/page. You simply have to type in the name of the page or post you would like to view comments on and then select if from the list:

Also, you can change the date interval, by clicking on the “Date interval” drop-down, select a certain date, or choose a custom date range:

The “Graph interval” can be set up as well, through its specific drop-down (Daily, weekly, monthly):

You also have the option to include/exclude moderator comments from the reports, leaving you with only the comments received from visitors:

Vote Engagements

Similar to the “Comments Graph”, the “Vote Engagements” show you a chart with all the votes that were given on your website:

As same as before you can choose if you want to view vote engagements from your entire website, or just certain posts/pages, along with the date and graph intervals.

Most Active Commenters

This report will show you the most active comment authors on your website:

As you can see, along with the number of comments for each of the users, the plugin will display the emails along with the names that the users typed in when they have submitted the comment.

The date interval can be set up for this type of report, as well, by using its specific drop-down.

This option will show you which are the most popular posts on your website, in terms of the number of comments:

On the left-hand side, you will find the post title and on the right, you will find the equivalent number of comments.

Most Upvoted Comments

The last report allows you to see all the most upvoted comments:

The name of the users and the comments will appear in the dashboard, along with the number of votes, and so on.

To return to the Thrive Comments dashboard (“Settings”) or to the Comments Moderation dashboard, you can simply select one of the options found on the navigation bar:

This is how to navigate the “Reports” area of your Thrive Comments dashboard. Make sure to check out other dedicated articles from our knowledge base, if you want to learn more about this plugin.

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