AB Test Overview and Test Details

After an A/B Test has been started with Thrive Optimize, you can always check what are the conversion results so far, by using the A/B Test Overview and Test Details.

To view the details of an A/B test, all you have to do is access the Pages section, look for the Control page name, and hover over it, selecting “View test details”:

You can also click on “Edit” and open the WordPress editor, look for the “Thrive Optimize – A/B Test Overview” area and click on the “View Test Details” button:

This will send you to an overview of the entire running A/B test, where you will have a chart available with all the conversions recorded from the start of the test. There are two different graphs that you can use to check your stats:

The ”Graph type” can be set to be either displayed as a “Conversion rate”, which means that it will show the page conversions as a percentage:

Or it can also be set to display the conversions as numbers:

In addition to the “Graph type”, you can also set the “Graph interval” to either show daily, weekly or monthly stats of your conversions:

Below the stats you will be able to see a detailed report of how your pages are doing in terms of conversions:

1. Variation Name

Here is where you can see the name of each page that is currently being tested.

2. Traffic

From here you can manage the amount of traffic that is being redirected to each of your tested pages. As long as the A/B test is still running, you will be able to modify the traffic that is being sent to the pages, by using one of the sliders.

3. Visitors

This will show the number of visitors that have accessed your pages. If a visitor returns to your page several times, each visit will be counted as one visit.

4. Unique Visitors

This is slightly different from the “Visitors” one, as this one only counts the number of unique visitors that accessed a particular page.

5. Subscriptions

This will display the number of subscribers that your pages have converted while the test was running.

6. Subscription Rate

The subscription rates will be shown here as percentages, and they will be calculated based on the number of unique visitors and the total number of subscriptions registered by your page.

7. Improvement

From here you can check how all pages are performing against each other. Their improvement rate is shown in percentage.

8. Chance to beat Original

This last option shows the chances of the variation page to beat the original page, by tracking the overall numbers and rates of the variations against the original page.

Lastly, there are two more options that can be accessed on this page.

One of them is showing the type of conversion goal which you have selected while setting up the test. For this example, you can notice that the type of conversion selected is the “Subscription Conversion Goal”:

This article explains in detail what does each type of goal measures and how you can choose the best option for your site.

Going forward, there’s the “Automatic Winner Settings” option, that decides which page performed better under the given parameters.

You can click on the “Change” button to enable this option:

This will open a pop-up window that allows you to bring modifications to these settings, or even disable them, giving you full control in choosing a winner:

The “Automatic Winner Settings” can be changed, even during the test. You can always stop the test and choose a winner:

This will open another pop-up window, where all pages included in the test will be listed, along with their conversion reports. From here you can select the page which performed better, by clicking on the “Set As Winner” button:

Once the winner has been chosen, this notification will show up:

By clicking on the “Go to Test Report” button you will be sent to a page, where you will see all the stats for the winner page, same as shown above (visitors, conversions, etc).

However, you can also manually stop a Variation and exclude it from the running test:

In case you have just two pages in the test (the Control and one Variation), the test will be stopped, and the Control page will be chosen as the winner.

On the other hand, if you have multiple Variations, and you just stop one of them, the test will continue between the other Variation(s) and the Control page.

If one of the Variations is chosen as the winner, the content from the Control page will be overwritten, being replaced by the content found in the Variation.


After a test is completed, all of the losing variations will be archived. In this way, whenever you’re starting a new test for the page that has won, you will find all the previously defeated variations in the “Archived Variations” area from the Variations Dashboard.

This is how you can use the A/B Test Overview and Test Details in Thrive Optimize. Don’t forget to check out the other Thrive Optimize tutorials, as well!

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