Working with SendOwl

Can I Use the Different Checkout Templates Available in SendOwl?

Yes, you can certainly use the different checkout templates that are available in SendOwl. This will not affect the connection...

Adding a Registration Page in the SendOwl Checkout Settings

Setting up a registration page is an important part of the SendOwl checkout process. When you complete the “Checkout Settings”,...

Sell Subscriber-only Courses Using Thrive Apprentice and SendOwl

What to do if you want to have courses that you want to sell (premium courses) and subscribers-only courses (lead...

Using the SendOwl Customers List in Thrive Architect

If you are selling your online courses with the help of the Thrive Apprentice and SendOwl connection, then the “Customers...

Selling Your Thrive Apprentice Course with SendOwl

Building an online course and then making sure your clients have a way of purchasing it, can be a difficult...