
Excluding Lessons From a Drip Campaign

In this article, we’re going to see how lessons can be excluded from a drip schedule. Creating a drip schedule...

Setting up a “Start From Scratch” Drip Campaign Template

If you are planning to build your drip campaign entirely by yourself, then the “Start from scratch” campaign template might...

Creating Cohort Based Classes With Thrive Apprentice and Drip

Thrive Apprentice 4.0 has just been released! Check out this blog post to see what changes will be applied once...

Setting up a “Thrive Automator Unlock” Drip Template

If you are using third party integrations on your website, then the “Thrive Automator unlock” drip campaign might come in...

Selling a Dripped Content Course

If you are planning to create and sell a Thrive Apprentice course, all while drip-feeding your course content to your...